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NCD-RisC in the news

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  • B.T. online - Eksplosiv stigning får forskere til at slå alarm: Kræver handling nu
  • Dagbladet - Slår alarm: Eksplosiv økning
  • El Universal World - La diabetes ha acompañado a la humanidad por milenios, pero crece exponencialmente en México y el mundo
  • 科学网 - 《柳叶刀》: 全球超8亿人患糖尿病, 一半以上未治疗
  • Deutsche Welle - Type 2 diabetes: Why people from South Asia are more at risk
  • The Maravi Post - Urgent action needed as global diabetes cases increase four-fold over past decades
  • Kathemerini - «Βλέπουμε παιδιά με διαβήτη από 9 ετών» - O χάρτης της νόσου στην Ελλάδα
  • Zero Hedge - Diabetes Cases Quadruple Over 30 Years; WHO Urges Lifestyle Changes
  • Earth - Global diabetes rate has doubled, reaching over 800 million
  • World Today News - More than 800 million cases of diabetes worldwide: an urgent call to action - World Today News
  • Zee News (India) - India Tops Global Diabetes Chart In 2022: Over 60% Of Cases Untreated, Lancet Report Reveals
  • McKnights Senior Living - Burden of diabetes, untreated diabetes increased from 1990 to 2022
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine - Neue Daten zur weltweitem Verbreitung von Diabetes
  • The Medical News - Global gap in diabetes prevalence and treatment has widened since 1990
  • RTVE - La OMS alerta de que más de 800 millones de adultos en el mundo viven con diabetes
  • World Today News - More than 800 million people in the world have diabetes - World Today News
  • Aponet - Über 800 Millionen Erwachsene mit Diabetes, davon die Hälfte unbehandelt
  • Pharmazeutische Zeitung - Neue Schätzung: 800 Millionen Menschen weltweit haben Diabetes
  • Olhar Digital - Casos de diabetes quadruplicaram em três décadas, revela estudo
  • Smålandsposten - Över 800 miljoner vuxna lever med diabetes
  • El Comercio Ecuador - Diabetes es la cuarta causa de muerte en Ecuador ¿Cuáles son los desafíos en el tratamiento?
  • Medscape - More Than 800 Million People Worldwide Have Diabetes
  • Newpost - Υγεία: Πάνω από 800 εκατομμύρια ενήλικες ζουν με διαβήτη - To 59% δεν λαμβάνει θεραπεία
  • Global News - As Canada’s diabetes rates stabilize, experts say it's not all good news - National |
  • Vértigo Político - Diabetes se cuadruplica en 30 años afectando a más de 800 millones de personas
  • Raw News Health - Pressing motion wanted as world diabetes circumstances improve four-fold over previous many years - RawNews
  • Eurasia Review - Worldwide Trends In Diabetes Prevalence And Treatment From 1990 To 2022: The Lancet Global Study - Analysis
  • CBC - Diabetes in adults nearly doubles worldwide, study suggests
  • Santé Log - DIABÈTE : 800 millions de diabétiques dans le monde
  • Webconsultas - La OMS alerta: los casos de diabetes se han cuadriplicado en el mundo
  • Nairametrics - Over 800 million people worldwide have diabetes - Study reveals
  • - More than 800 mln adults have diabetes globally
  • Courrier International - Le nombre de personnes diabétiques dans le monde a doublé en trente ans
  • SABC News - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally
  • Newser - Diabetes 'Has Reached Pandemic Proportions'
  • Deutsches Ärzteblatt - Nur die Hälfte von weltweit mehr als 800 Millionen Diabetikern erhält Blutzuckersenker
  • CNN Portugal - Número de adultos diabéticos no mundo mais do que quadruplicou em 30 anos
  • CTV News - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally, many untreated, study suggests
  • CGTN - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally, study suggests
  • National Tribune - Urgent action needed as global diabetes cases increase four-fold over past decades
  • Mirage News - Global Diabetes Cases Quadruple, Urgent Action Needed
  • Medvestnik - Число живущих с диабетом людей в мире превысило 800 миллионов
  • AllAfrica - Africa: Global Diabetes Epidemic Reaches Critical Levels With 800 Million Cases
  • Business Standard - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally, many untreated: Study
  • Bangkok Post - Global diabetes cases far higher than estimates
  • - Perché sempre più persone soffrono di diabete, casi in aumento in Italia e tassi raddoppiati nel mondo
  • ConSalud - La diabetes crece año tras año en el mundo, pero los tratamientos no llegan a todos los pacientes
  • Business World Phillipines - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally, study suggests
  • Espanol News - Los diabéticos quedan sin tratamiento mientras la tasa mundial de enfermedad se duplica
  • India Today - India had highest number of diabetics in the world in 2022: Lancet report
  • Cyprus Mail - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally, many untreated
  • The News International - Over 800m adults have diabetes globally, with many 'not receiving treatment'
  • Times of India - India has the highest number of diabetic people in the world, even more than China: Report
  • Athens 98.4 FM - Υγεία: Πάνω από 800 εκατομμύρια ενήλικες ζουν με διαβήτη - To 59% δεν λαμβάνει θεραπεία
  • - Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Διαβήτη: Πάνω από 800 εκατομμύρια ενήλικες ζουν με αυτόν - To 59% δεν λαμβάνει θεραπεία
  • Sowetan - More than 800-million adults have diabetes globally, many untreated, study suggests
  • Geo News - Over 800 million adults have diabetes globally, many untreated: study
  • - Over 820 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes
  • Emirates 24/7 - Global Diabetes Crisis: Over 800 Million Adults Affected, Half of Those Over 30 Are Untreated, New Study Reveals
  • The Financial Express - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally, study suggests
  • Zee News (India) - भारत में अनट्रीटेड डायबिटीज वाले लोग सबसे ज्यादा, लैंसेट की स्टडी में चौकाने वाले आंकड़े
  • bdnews24 - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally: study
  • Times LIVE - More than 800-million adults have diabetes globally, many untreated, study suggests
  • Daily Monitor - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally, study suggests
  • India Blooms - Study shows total number of adults living with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes in the world has surpassed 800 million
  • The Standard - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally, many untreated, study suggests
  • - Nya chockerande siffror: 800 miljoner personer världen över har diabetes
  • Zawya - More than 800mln adults have diabetes globally, many untreated, study suggests
  • UN News - Global diabetes epidemic reaches critical levels with 800 million cases
  • Financial Times - Diabetics left without treatment as global rate of disease doubles
  • The Indian Express - Why Lancet study on diabetes is a red flag: A quarter of diabetics globally are Indians
  • The Guardian - More than 800 million people around the world have diabetes, study finds
  • The Telegraph - Number of people globally with uncontrolled diabetes exceeds 445 million, study warns
  • Reuters - More than 800 million adults have diabetes globally, many untreated, study suggests
  • The Times of India - Study: 100mn Indians have diabetes
  • Open minds- Worldwide Obesity Prevalence Has More Than Doubled Over The Last 30 Years
  • BBC - More than a billion people obese worldwide, research suggests
  • The Economist - The obesity capitals of the world
  • The Telegraph - Obesity now greater risk to global health than hunger
  • The Times of India - More than a billion people worldwide are obese, WHO study finds
  • India Today - Over a billion people struggling with obesity globally: Lancet study
  • Hindustan Times - Global malnourishment: 1 in 8 people are obese
  • The Indian Express - New Lancet study shows India sitting on obesity curve: What’s causing it?
  • Reuters - More than a billion people worldwide are obese, WHO study finds
  • Daily Mail - Revealed: More than a BILLION people worldwide are now obese - so how do rates fare in YOUR country?
  • Sky News - Number of obese people worldwide surpasses one billion
  • Der Spiegel - Mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen plagt starkes Übergewicht
  • Health Policy Watch - WHO Calls for Private Sector Accountability Amid Massive Obesity Increase
  • Axios - Worldwide obesity tops 1 billion
  • The BMJ - One in eight people globally are obese, with rates in children increasing fourfold in three decades
  • India TV - Over one billion people living with obesity, says study
  • NDTV - The Obesity Epidemic: More Than One Billion People Are Obese Worldwide, Says Lancet Study
  • PTI via The Economic Times - 12.5 mn children in India obese in 2022, up from 0.4 mn in 1990: Lancet study
  • PA - More than a billion people in the world living with obesity – analysis
  • STAT - More than 1 billion people have obesity, including 159 million young people, study estimates
  • The Sun - PLANET GIRTH More than 1 BILLION people around the world are now obese and at risk of killer diseases – including 159m children
  • Independent - More than a billion people worldwide living with obesity, analysis shows
  • Science Alert - Scientists Confirm The World Now Has Over 1 Billion Obese People
  • ATS via Arc Info - Santé: plus d’un milliard d’humains touchés par l’obésité dans le monde
  • Europe1 - Santé: plus d'un milliard d'humains touchés par l'obésité, de plus en plus au-delà des pays riches
  • Huffington Post (French) - Le nombre de personnes obèses dans le monde dépasse un milliard, soit un humain sur huit
  • RTVE - Una de cada ocho personas en el mundo tiene obesidad, según la OMS/ One in eight people in the world is obese, according to the WHO
  • La Razon - La obesidad se dispara en el mundo: una de cada ocho personas la tiene y ya supera a la desnutrición/Obesity is skyrocketing in the world: one in eight people has it and it already surpasses malnutrition
  • TASS - ВОЗ сообщила об увеличении числа людей с ожирением с 1990 года вдвое/WHO reports the number of obese people has doubled since 1990
  • Vedomosti - количество страдающих ожирением людей в мире превысило 1 млрд/WHO: the number of obese people in the world has exceeded 1 billion
  • - ВОЗ зафиксировала увеличение вдвое числа людей с ожирением с 1990 года/WHO has recorded a doubling of the number of obese people since 1990
  • - 160 Millionen Kinder stark übergewichtig/160 million children are severely overweight
  • Stuttgarter Zeitung - Adipositas Warum immer mehr Menschen an Übergewicht leiden/Why more and more people are suffering from obesity
  • Tagesschau - Mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen leiden an Adipositas/More than a billion people suffer from obesity
  • - Starkes Übergewicht: Zahl Betroffener laut Studie rasant gestiegen/Severe obesity: According to the study, the number of those affected has risen rapidly
  • Euronews - Salute: una persona su otto convive con l'obesità/Health: one in eight people live with obesity
  • Quotidiano Sanita - Più di 1 miliardo di persone nel mondo convivono con l’obesità, 1 persona su 8. I dati Oms 2022 pubblicati su The Lancet/More than 1 billion people in the world live with obesity, 1 in 8 people. WHO 2022 data published in The Lancet
  • - Quase metade da população mundial em idade adulta com peso a mais/Almost half of the world's adult population is overweight
  • Xinhua - 世卫组织:全球超10亿人患肥胖症 青少年肥胖人数激增/WHO: More than 1 billion people worldwide are obese, and the number of adolescents is soaring
  • Korea Times - “전 세계 성인 43%가 과체중”/ “43% of adults worldwide are overweight”
  • Cumhuriye - Araştırma: Dünya genelinde bir milyardan fazla insan obezite/Research: More than one billion people worldwide are obese
  • NRC - More than a billion people are obese
  • Mirror - UK obesity rates double since 1990 with 17 million Britons now obese
  • Financial Times - Epidemic of obesity' blights children as global rates soar
  • CNN - More than 1 billion people in the world now live with obesity, analysis finds
  • The Guardian - More than a billion people worldwide are obese, research finds
  • Forbes - Over 1 Billion People Now Have Obesity, Study Finds: What To Know About Global Weight Trends
  • O Globo - Um bilhão de obesos no planeta: número foi puxado por crianças e adolescentes, mostra relatório global
  • Scientific American - Rural Children Now Grow Slightly Taller than City Children in Wealthy Countries
  • China News - 《自然》最新论文:城市青少年儿童生长发育优势或已消失
  • El Pais - Los niños del entorno rural crecen un centímetro en los últimos 30 años y alcanzan a los de ciudad
  • Nouvelles du Monde - Les enfants des campagnes ont grandi d’un centimètre ces 30 dernières années et ont rattrapé les enfants des villes
  • ORF - Los niños del entorno rural crecen un centímetro en los últimos 30 años y alcanzan a los de ciudad
  • Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology - 科学家揭示1990至2019年全球高血压患病率趋势
  • Liverpool Echo - Millions of Brits have been warned that they are at risk of a silent killer condition according to a recent study
  • 聯合新聞網 - 全球高血壓患者數量翻倍 2大因素讓台灣有同樣現象
  • Le Monde - Dans le monde, seule une hypertension artérielle sur cinq est correctement traitée
  • DR - Dobbelt så mange har forhøjet blodtryk som i 90’erne: 'Lidt motion kan hjælpe meget'
  • Heute - 50 Prozent ahnen nichts von ihrem Bluthochdruck
  • CNET - Number of people with high blood pressure has doubled in 30 years, global study finds
  • The Manila Times - 720M folk worldwide have high BP – study
  • The Hindustan Times - 60%-70% Indians with hypertension unaware of their condition: Study
  • The Straits Times - Number of people with high blood pressure doubled in 30 years
  • Deutsches Ärzteblatt - Hypertonie: Prävalenz sinkt in reicheren Ländern und steigt in ärmeren Ländern
  • AFP - High blood pressure doubled globally in 30 years, study shows
  • CNN - Number of people with high blood pressure has doubled globally, large study finds
  • MedSci - Lancet:全球200个国家地区近30年来高血压患病率、治疗和控制的变化情况
  • The Indian Express - People living with hypertension doubled worldwide in 30 years to more than 1.2 billion: Study
  • Libération - Plus de la moitié des personnes atteintes d’hypertension dans le monde ne sont pas soignées
  • Handelsblatt - Fast jeder zweite Betroffene weiß nichts von seinem Bluthochdruck
  • The Mirror - UK figures for hypertension now among lowest in world after drastic improvements
  • News Medical - Study reveals trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment over the past 30 years
  • Science Media Centre - expert reaction to study looking at global incidence of hypertension
  • UN News - High blood pressure now more common in low and middle-income countries, new report finds
  • Reuters - High blood pressure driven by obesity, poverty - WHO study
  • El Pais - ¿Cuánto hemos crecido? La mala nutrición genera una brecha de hasta 20 centímetros de altura entre países
  • Le Monde - 1,65 m au Bangladesh, 1,83 m aux Pays-Bas… L’alimentation accentue les disparités de taille des jeunes dans le monde
  • Nutra - Global study examines impact of childhood nutrition on height, BMI
  • International Business Times - Height and diet co-relation: Study attributes children shorter by 20 cm to poor nutrition
  • Folha de S. Paulo - Brasileira de 19 anos tem altura de holandesa de 13, aponta estudo global
  • Cosmos - Poor nutrition blamed for child height gap
  • Healio - ‘Concerning’ BMI, height trends observed among school-aged children worldwide
  • Medical Dialogues - Poor Nutrition In School Years Linked To Stunted Growth,Childhood Obesity: Lancet
  • Meaww - Can poor diet stunt growth? Study suggests it may have caused a 20cm difference in height across countries
  • UPI - Young adults in U.S. among world leaders in unhealthy weight, researchers say
  • Science Daily - Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20 cm height gap across nations
  • Mirage - Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20cm height gap across nations
  • Medicalxpress - Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20 cm height gap across nations
  • EurekAlert - Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20 cm height gap across nations
  • 人民网 - 研究:饮食不良影响青少年身高
  • 新浪 - 中国男女平均身高东亚第一:女性平均163.5cm 男性平均175.7cm
  • BBC - Poor diet: Children 20cm shorter as a result, analysis says
  • Telegrah - UK at risk of becoming the short man of Europe because of poor diet, study reveals
  • Daily Mail - British girls are the fattest in Europe and boys aren't much slimmer, reveals major study that also shows UK teens are not growing as tall 'due to worse nutrition'
  • Metro - Bad nutrition ‘stunts child growth 8in in poor nations’
  • Guardian - Children in UK lag behind international counterparts in healthy development
  • Clarín - Argentina, uno de los países que más bajó el colesterol malo en Latinoamérica
  • 搜狐 - Nature | 覆盖10.26亿人的研究——胆固醇全球分布新格局
  • 科学网 - 研究分析全球高胆固醇人口的分布变化
  • 中国科学院 - 全球高胆固醇人口变化及驱动力报告出炉
  • Folha de S. Paulo - Países mais pobres são novo epicentro dos males do colesterol, aponta estudo
  • Technology Networks - Are Changing Diets Responsible for Sharp Increase in Cholesterol Levels in Asia?
  • Medscape - 'Global Epicenter' of Problematic Cholesterol Has Shifted
  • RÚV - Meira vont kólesteról í Asíu minna á Vesturlöndum
  • Forskning - Kolesterolnivåerna sjunker i väst – men stiger i Asien
  • Newshub - Heart doctor urges Kiwis to stay away from high-fat, low-carb diets
  • TMTPOST - Nature 发布全球胆固醇水平变化研究:中国增长水平全球最高
  • NUTRA - Asia’s cholesterol explosion: Diet a key contributor to huge rises across the region – new data
  • Healtier Lives - Cholesterol levels drop in Western nations including New Zealand, but rise in Asia and some Pacific Island nations
  • IntraMed - El mayor estudio de los niveles mundiales de colesterol - Los niveles de colesterol disminuyen en occidente, pero aumentan en Asia
  • Archyde - ‘Badder’ cholesterol decreases in western countries
  • ORF - Cholesterinwerte sinken in reichen Ländern
  • MedicalXpress - Cholesterol levels dropping in Western nations—but rising in Asia
  • OkMedicina - Colesterolo, promossi gli italiani
  • News Abode - Cholesterol levels rising in Asia,Dropping in Western nations
  • Molise Tabloid - Colesterolo, molisani promossi: studio Neuromed mostra miglioramento in linea con i Paesi occidentali
  • La Legge Per Tutti - La buona notizia sul colesterolo
  • Adn Kronos - Colesterolo, promossi gli italiani
  • Il Denaro - Neuromed, su Nature la megaricerca sulla diffusione del colesterolo: gli italiani tra i più bravi a combatterlo
  • Rainews - Calano i livelli di colesterolo "cattivo" in Italia
  • COPE - Los niveles de colesterol disminuyen bruscamente en los países occidentales, pero aumentan en Asia
  • ABC - El colesterol ‘más malo’ disminuye en los países occidentales
  • Scimex - High cholesterol levels shift to lower- and middle-income countries
  • Cosmos - The changing face of high cholesterol problems
  • LabPulse - Cholesterol levels fall in West, rise in Asia
  • MEAWW - ‘Bad’ cholesterol levels fall sharply in high-income nations but rising in low, middle-income countries
  • Daily Mail - Britain is getting healthier: Cholesterol levels in the UK have dropped sharply since 1980 but are rising in poorer Asian countries due to high-fat diets
  • The National - Surge in Asian deaths linked to diet as global lifestyle patterns shift