Background Image

Blood Pressure


Metrics Map Trend
Mean SBP
Image link to world map for mean systolic blood pressure Image link to line chart for mean systolic blood pressure for specific countries Image link to ranking chart for mean systolic blood pressure for all countries Image link to bubble chart for mean systolic blood pressure and population size for each country in the world, correlated with other factors such as BMI, GDP, education, and urbanisation Image link to distribution plot for mean systolic blood pressure
Mean DBP
Image link to world map for mean diastolic blood pressure Image link to line chart for mean diastolic blood pressure for specific countries Image link to ranking chart for mean diastolic blood pressure for all countries Image link to bubble chart for mean diastolic blood pressure and population size for each country in the world, correlated with other factors such as BMI, GDP, education, and urbanisation Image link to distribution plot for mean diastolic blood pressure
Raised BP
(SBP ≥ 140 mmHg
or DBP ≥ 90 mmHg)
Image link to world map for raised blood pressure prevalence Image link to line chart for raised blood pressure prevalence for specific countries Image link to ranking chart for raised blood pressure prevalence for all countries Image link to bubble chart for number of people with raised blood pressure for each country in the world, correlated with other factors such as BMI, GDP, education, and urbanisation Image link to stacked area chart for number of people with raised blood pressure for all countries and regions Image link to sunburst chart for number of people with raised blood pressure for all countries and regions Image link to distribution plot for mean raised blood pressure prevalence